Thursday, July 24, 2008

John McCain, War Hero to Grumpy Old Man

John McCain is an idiot. He is out of touch (completely), ill-informed, and shabby. The sad thing is, prior to the 2008 general election I had a favorable view of John McCain. I saw him as a moderate-republican, a person who actually looked out for his constituents. I saw him as a centrist, a beltway republican who wasn't afraid to cross the aisle to better the US. I saw him as a person who understood war, who didn't want to repeat the failings of Vietnam, and as a candidate who had been on the receiving end of terribly negative campaigning in 2000.

However since this election has begun, he has done nothing but appall me. His first misstep, giving a "big" speech the night that Obama locked up the delegates needed to be the Democratic Presidential Nominee. Second misstep, running a dirty campaign, constantly attacking Obama as if he had stolen Karl Rove's play book even tho he swore to run a good campaign focusing on the issues. Third, not having a clue about his own talking points and furthermore admitting that he knows nothing about the economy, in fact he knows so little that he went as far as to say that the Bush tax cuts needed to stay because of their stimulating effect on the American economy. Lastly, there are so many gaffs in the McCain camp that it is difficult to show them all, impossible to list them all without a severe bout of carpal tunnels, however I will say this... whining about the media being biased against you isn't going to get the media on your side. Why do you think the media is covering Obama more? Could it be because he is the first African-American candidate with a chance of becoming president? Is it possible that his trips around the world are a bit more sensational than say an almost canceled press-conference in front of the cheese cooler at a grocery store in Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania?

Anyway, I would like to follow this up with a comment to Right-Wingers, Centrists, and Left-Wingers. Especially the Right-Wingers. If you would stop supporting these half-wit candidates you'd probably have some support from across the aisle, but if you continue to support these Bush/McCain Jokers, you wont have any support from the Left. To the Centrists, you want Obama, I dont have to tell you that, just don't go and support that Ego-Maniac Nader, if Nader actually wanted to help the citizens of the US he would've aligned himself with one of our two parties and helped to fix our government from the inside-out. And to my brothers and sisters on the Left and Far-Left, stick with your man, I know Obama isn't as liberal or socially forward-thinking as most of us would like, but he is the best person for the job, and he's probably the best candidate for the job since Clinton, Bill.

I just cannot believe the amount of shit I have to put up with for this McCain fella'. Every time I turn on the news I end up with a twinge in my neck from my head shaking side to side in disapproval as they show me the next stupid thing John McCain has done or said. I thought Republicans felt strongly about personal responsibility, doesn't he realize its his own fault his campaign is going down the crapper?

Baaaah. In other news, its been a slow week on the Island, combination of considerable cloud cover and $4 gas. We need an alternative to our energy issues so people can come to the beach and tip me. It is nice today tho. I think I'm going to hop on the Cruiser and head on down to the Boardwalk, get some pizza at Frank's.

Holler atcha boy.

1 comment:

Tzaadi said...

You know, I liked McCain too and I'm sorry he's become what he's become but, last I looked he IS the candidate of the Republican Party. So expect more attack ads. Already they've had a deleterious effect on Obama's campaign.

America just loves a good fist fight. If Obama doesn't come out swinging in response to McCain's ads and statements, then he can kiss the presidency goodbye. Remember what the Republicans did to Harold Ford in Tennessee? All they had to do was associate his black ass with a white girl and...poof...! What do you think they will try to do to an 'uppity half-breed who thinks he's better'n me, Cletus'?

Obama needs to drop a thunderous right hand on that grumpy old man's chin for the privilege of representing America. And, I'm not sure that his personality has that in him.

from a member of an endangered species...a black man in america.