Thursday, August 28, 2008

Ahhhh thats why he'll go down as one of our best Presidents..

As I watched President Clinton speak (actually watched it 3x's tonight) I was reminded of what it was like back in the good old days. You know when we had a president who was a gifted orator.. not a bumbling idiot who stumbled on every other word...

What else you ask??

Lets break it down.. see if you can pick it up as I lay it down for ya.. ya' heard...

- A balanced budget... you know when our Federal government was taking it more than it was spending (or at least even).. which led to...
- A Surplus! As in the OPPOSITE of a DEFICIT!! What a novel concept.
- A military ready to protect us (not stretched thin for many reasons which will only turn my face red and make me scream HALLIBURTONNNNN)
- Decreased cost of college education
-What else do i need to point out??? Constant increase to the value of your home.. ahhh you've heard it all before what i am doing repeating this...

Clinton just blew it up! For two nights in a row a Clinton showed this country what it needed to see, what all of us enlightened thinkers (progressives) have been saying (or cursing under our breaths) for 7.789 years.

He hit every main point, and proved to the nation that the only clear choice is Barack Obama. I've put this out on my Facebook page, and have offered it to multiple people I've argued politics with in person over the past year(s), and so I will offer it again here today..

Convince me to vote for John McCain and I will do it, and I will blog about why, and I will convince people I know, and I will pay you $500 USD. Thats right (although this is worth much less after 8 Bush years in the white house, I will not be adjusting for inflation as we are in a recession.. duh.. read a newspaper).

Furthermore I will publicly apologize (in whatever medium is most acceptable to the winner) to John McCain for calling him any of the following terms which I have used to describe him since the start of his campaign: Old; crotchety; out-of-touch; senile; dangerous; lacking-intelligence; scary; pale; backward; conservative.

1 comment:

SCMirman said...

Friends, Amigos, this post was originally written a long time ago, the night of the DNC when Prez Clinton ( the last real president) spoke and rocked it for Barack.

So i guess i never published it and it saved as a draft, decided to put it up there now for ya. Thanks. enjoy




If we win either nc, va, or oh we win. Guaranteed... wonder what the vegas odds are on Obama right now..